(43.2) Lǐ Huī 李恢 [Dé’áng 德昂]

Lǐ Huī, appellation Dé’áng, was a Jiànníng Yúyuán man. He was appointed in the prefecture as a postal official. His father’s sister’s husband Cuàn Xí was Magistrate of Jiànlíng, but there was a scandal of a violation, and Huī because of Xí was dismissed from office. The Administrator Dǒng Hé, because Xí was of a great family of the local region, settled the matter and did not permit [Huī’s dismissal]. (1)


  • (1) Huá Yáng’s Guózhì states: Xí’s office later reached Supervisor of the Army.

〔一〕 華陽國志曰:習後官至領軍。

Later [Dǒng Hé] recommended Huī to the province, but while he was on the road before arriving [at the provincial headquarters], he heard that Xiān-zhǔ [Liú Bèi] had gone from Jiāméng and returned to attack Liú Zhāng. Huī knew that Zhāng would certainly be defeated and Xiān-zhǔ would certainly be victorious, so he acted as a representative of his commandery and went north to join Xiān-zhǔ, meeting him at Miánzhú. Xiān-zhǔ was impressed with him, and he followed to Luòchéng. Huī was sent to Hànzhōng to befriend Mǎ Chāo, and Chāo thereupon changed his allegiance.


When Chéngdū was settled, Xiān-zhǔ took office as Governor of Yìzhōu, and Huī became Merit Officer Scribe Assistant and Registrar. Later he was slandered by a captive, who claimed Huī was planning to rebel, so an official arrested and sent him forward. Xiān-zhǔ knew the accusations were untrue, and instead promoted Huī to Aide-de-Camp Advisor.


Zhāngwǔ first year [221] Regional Commander of Fèijiàng Dèng Fāng died. Xiān-zhǔ asked Huī: “Who can succeed him?”


Huī answered: “In the abilities of men, each has their strengths and shortcomings. Therefore Kǒng-zǐ said: ‘Employ men by their abilities.’ Moreover when there is an enlightened ruler above, then servants below do their best. That is why in the Xiānlíng campaign, Zhào Chōngguó said: ‘Nothing can compare to a veteran servant.’ I your servant do not overestimate my abilities, and only hope Your Majesty understands this.”


Xiān-zhǔ laughed and said: “My original intention was also already settled on you.”


Therefore Huī became Regional Commander of Fèijiàng, Envoy Wielding Staff of Authority and office as Inspector of Jiāozhōu, with headquarters at Píngyí county. (2)


  • (2) Your Servant Sōngzhī asked a man of Shǔ about this Fèijiàng place. It is over two thousand lǐ from Shǔ, and at the time not yet called Níngzhōu. It was called Nánzhōng, and with the establishment of this office did it join government control. During Jìn’s Tàishǐ [265-274] was it first divided to form Níngzhōu.

〔二〕 臣松之訊之蜀人,云庲降地名,去蜀二千餘里,時未有寧州,號為南中,立此職以總攝之。晉泰始中,始分為寧州。

Xiān-zhǔ died [223]. Gāo Dìng was uncontrollable in Yuèxī, Yōng Kǎi domineering over Jiànníng, and Zhū Bāo rebelling in Zānggē. All the counties supported each other and gathered together, besieging Huī at Kūnmíng. At the time Huī’s army was small and the enemy was large, and they were cut off from [Zhūgě] Liàng, so he deceived the southern men [the rebels] and told them: “Our government army is out of supplies and wishes to retreat. We have all been away from our homes for a long time, but if now leave and find we cannot return north, then we wish to join with you all and plan together, and therefore we honestly inform you of this.”


The southerners believed this, so the besiegers became neglectful. Therefore Huī went out and attacked, and greatly defeated them, and immediately pursued the defeated men south to the river Pán, to the east joining the forces at Zānggē and restoring communication with Liàng.


After the south was pacified and settled, Huī’s army had the most achievements, and he was given fief as Marquis of Hànxīng precinct, and promoted to General Calming the Hàn. After the army returned, the southern Yí tribes again rebelled and murdered the local garrison officers. Huī personally went to punish them, exterminated all the rebels, sent the [heads of the] rebel leaders to Chéngdū, and taxed from the Sǒu and Pú tribes draft oxen, warhorses, gold and silver, rhinoceros horn and hide, and so gained sufficient military supplies and so at the time there was no shortages.


Jiànxīng seventh year [229], because Jiāozhōu was part of Wú, Huī was removed from the Inspectorship. He was changed to office as Administrator of Jiànníng, and so returned to his home commandery. He then moved to Hànzhōng. Ninth year [231] he died. His son Yí succeeded.


Huī’s younger brother’s son Qiú was Right Division Commander of the Feather Forest [Guard], and followed Zhūgě Zhān in resisting Dèng Ài. He gave orders on the front lines, and died at Miánzhú.


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