Author Archives: Yang Zhengyuan

2023 June 10

The Ruler of Hàn [Liú Bèi] was critically ill, and mandated the Chancellor [Zhūgě] Liàng to assist the Heir-Apparent, with Secretariat Documents Director Lǐ Yán as his second. The Ruler of Hàn said: “Your talent is ten times that of Cáo Pī, certainly able to secure the state, and in the end settle great affairs. If the successor son can be assisted, assist him; if he is not talented, you can yourself replace him.” [Zhūgě] Liàng wept and said: “I Your Servant will exhaust my strength as your arm and leg, devoted to loyal and chaste integrity, continuing it to death!”

The Ruler of Hàn also made an Imperial Order to the Heir-Apparent that said: “A man at fifty is not said to die young, my years are already over sixty; what is there to further regret? I am only concerned for you and your brothers. Strive on, strive on! Do not because an evil is small yet do it. Do not because a good is small yet not do it! Only worthiness and only virtue are able to have other people submit. Your father’s virtue is meager; not worth imitating. You and the Chancellor will work together. Treat him like a father.”

Summer, Fourth Moon, Guǐsì [223 Jun 10], the Ruler of Hàn died at Yǒng’ān Palace, posthumous name Zhāo-Liè.

From Zīzhì Tōngjiān

資治通鑑曰: 漢主病篤,命丞相亮輔太子,以尚書令李嚴為副。漢主謂亮曰:「君才十倍曹丕,必能安國,終定大事。若嗣子可輔,輔之;如其不才,君可自取。」亮涕泣曰:「臣敢不竭股肱之力,效忠貞之節,繼之以死!」漢主又為詔敕太子曰:「人五十不稱夭,吾年已六十有餘,何所復恨,但以卿兄弟為念耳。勉之,勉之!勿以惡小而為之,勿以善小而不為!惟賢惟德,可以服人。汝父德薄,不足效也。汝與丞相從事,事之如父。」夏,四月,癸巳,漢主殂於永安,諡曰昭烈。

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